Equipment, Supplies and Products Needed for Car Detailing

Do you want to be a successful car cleaning professional? Do you want to deliver shiny and bright vehicles to your customers? Then you need the best tools of the trade. Any car detailing company in Columbus, Ohio, will have the following seven car care tools in their inventory.

Hand Mittens

Let’s talk about the obvious first. When you need to clean anything large, hand mittens are almost always a necessity. These are soft and squishy, absorbing a lot of dirty liquid in a go. You can use them in linear or circular motions as you wipe or polish the car.

Buffer Polisher

If the car has minor scratches or other small patches of dirt, then a buffer polisher machine is what a car detailing service would use. They are capable of delivering a professional grade and highly detailed shine in a short time. They work better with foam or microfiber pads.

Foam Cannon

Need to get your vehicle shampooed from front to end in a hurry? Use a foam cannon. They come with or without internal aerators and are capable of covering the whole car in thick cleaning foam that you can wipe down with sponges or mittens later.


This goes without saying, but buckets are your best friends when you are cleaning something. But do not think that a simple bucket will suffice in car detailing. You need special car care buckets with a grit guard which squeezes out the dirt and grime from your brush, sponge and mittens.

Air Tools

There are some kinds of grime that gets worse with water. Also, you cannot hope to rinse out all parts of the car, for example, the carpets. For these reasons, you need to clean up the car as much as possible before you apply any liquid to it. A vacuum cleaner and air blower are the best tools for these jobs.

Water Tools for Car Detailing Services

Pressure washing tools are becoming increasingly popular among car cleaning and detailing professionals. A pressure washer throws water with high pressure onto a surface and this high-pressure water punches away most of the grime accumulated on the surface.

For this reason, it’s a very convenient tool to clean any flat and filthy surfaces of a vehicle. However, it has to be accompanied by proper hosing and joints.

Brushes and Sponges

At the risk of sounding obvious, yes, you need brushes, mops and sponges when you want to clean something as big as a car. There will be a bewildering variety of brushes you need to use for car detailing. For instance, the brush you will use to clean the hood will be very different from the brush you will use to scrape off dirt from the tires.

Leave the Dirt Behind

It’s cleaning time! Your car deserves the best cleaning and detailing services and there is no one better at it than Automotive Appearance Pros. Roll into our car detailing service garages in Columbus, Ohio, today and trick out your ride!